Through the lens with Marie Hyvernaud — French Views
Through the lens with Marie Hyvernaud

Through the lens with Marie Hyvernaud

We were driving through the town of Foix to visit the Château when we noticed signs for a photography exhibition. Chris’ passion is photography and we love visiting exhibitions wherever we travel. I recall that the photos on display were amazing but the best part was engaging in a conversation with locals, Marie and Pierre, from Le Photo-Club de Foix. We have continued to stay in touch with Marie, a very talented photographer, via Facebook and Instagram. I invited her to share her story and she has generously provided a selection of her photographs to accompany the post.

The exhibition in Foix. You can see Marie’s photographer of Montségur on the back wall and again below.

Carole: Bonjour, Marie. When did you first become interested in photography?

Marie: It was a long time ago when I was a student. My brother took photos and he's got an analogic dark room, so he was the first to attract me with photography. I used to help him to develop black and white photos. Then I bought a camera and I became very fond of taking pictures. It was the beginning of a long story.

Chateau-de-Montségur, Ariège

An article in the local paper summer 2021. Marie and Pierre were involved in a photo festival in Pierre’s village, Gourbit. They took photos of the inhabitants of this small village, which were exhibited in front of the subject’s homes. Marie said it was a great success.

Carole: What inspires you to take photographs and what is your favourite style?

Marie:  I love telling stories about people and rurality. My favourite subject are portraits with authentic people. I also like landscape photography to capture morning mood or mist and fog. For the time being, I'm very inspired with mood and suggesting feelings through landscape or urban photography.

Berger ariègeois (Shepherd of the Ariège)

Marché-au-gras, which translates to the fat market

Carole: I imagine that you have learnt new photography techniques over the years. Are you self-taught or have you attended classes?

Marie: Both of them and I attended workshops with well-known photographers, such as Jean Dieuzaide and others. They gave me some keys to get more ability and to find my own photography language. I also exchange a lot with expert photographers and look at their works, which is inspiring.


Chateau-de-Roquefixade, Ariège

Carole: When we met you in 2016, you belonged to Le Photo-Club de Foix. Are you originally from Foix? If not, where are you from and how did you come to live in this area?

Marie: No I'm not from Foix, I was born in the Valley of Loire not far from Nantes. I was fond of South West of France and its way of life, so I had an opportunity to work in Toulouse and when retired I came living in Ariège.

Ruisseau de la Courbière, Ariège

Cascades de Roquefort-les-Cascades, Ariège

Carole: Can you tell us a bit about Foix and the Ariège? What are the main attractions for visiting and what do you love about it?

Marie: Foix is a small town less than 10,000 inhabitants, it's the main town in Ariège, which is a mountain district. Foix has got an old castle, which is higher than the town. A lot of visitors came to see it. We've also lovely foot paths and hiking trails. Lovely nature is everywhere in our district. My town is not crowded except in summer, when we've concerts, festivities... a lot of authentic meetings in the streets and in the parks. That's why I love it. Before that, I lived near Toulouse. It was always crowded and noisy. Here in Foix people are true, friendly and quiet. A lot of Ariègeois people are looking for a better way of life, natural food, ecology and so on.

Foix jazz festival

Carole: Is there particular food that is a speciality of the area?

Marie: Yes, a sort of soup called the Azinat and, of course, lovely cow cheese and goat cheese. We've also chicken, ducks and fat liver. We can afford beautiful vegetables and fruit in the Friday market in Foix and other days in the area. There are also good restaurants where you can taste lovely speciality.

Carole: I believe that you have a connection to Australia. Can you tell us a bit about that please?

Marie: Yes, I do. In 2010, my son Yohann has been to Australia for nearly one year to experience WOOFing and, with my husband, we flew and visited him. We took the opportunity to travel and cross a part of Australia. We loved your large country.

We were welcomed in an olive farm in the Grampians where Yohann has been working. A marvellous meeting with the people in this farm. I'm still in touch with Jane and Neil who create Mount Zero Olives

Unfortunately, a few months after our return my husband died of cancer.

If interested, I wrote a blog with photos about this journey through Australia.

Lac-de-Bethmale, Ariège

Carole: Are you working on a particular photography project at present?

Marie: Yes, of course. The last work I did is about similitude between plants and sign language. It's a collection of diptical photography I showed last summer in a gallery in Sorèze.

For the time being, I'm working about mood in the lost villages in the mountain. I called it “Les jours sombres” Dark days. I also go on with portraits of rural people that I showed in festivals last year.

Winter in Foix

This winter, I've been selected to exhibit a series of portraits. They are duos of people speaking with passion “Confidences”. This festival will be in Arles next January. I hope so, because of the pandemic, we are never sure of cultural programs.

Carole: Where can we see more of your photos?

Marie: Yes I've got online galleries, such as flickr and 500px, plus an Instagram account.

To share with my friends about my photographic informations, I have a Facebook page.

This winter, I'll make my web site. I'll communicate the title to you when it will be ready.

Brouillard-en-hiver (fog in winter)

Carole: Merci beaucoup, Marie. Thank you for sharing your story with French Views.

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