My French Platter with Annemarie Rawson — French Views
My French Platter with Annemarie Rawson

My French Platter with Annemarie Rawson

As I am always looking out for books about France, I came across ‘My French Platter’’ by Annemarie Rawson. It was such a wonderful story about escaping to France but with a twist. I laughed and cried as I read about her journey. I was keen to learn more about her adventures to share with the French Views readers.

Annemarie’s first book ‘My French Platter’

Carole: Bonjour Annemarie and Bienvenue to French Views. As you know, I recently finished your first book, ‘My French Platter’ and loved it. Can you please tell us a bit of your background and your interest in France?

 Annemarie: Thank you very much for having me on French Views, Carole and I’m thrilled to bits you enjoyed ‘My French Platter’ so much. I was a PA in my early working life and after having our two children I worked part-time as an Office Manager for several companies, until we moved to France. Both Steve and I love the French language and France was a big part of several overseas trips we did before moving to France.

A map of the area of France where Annemarie and Steve worked, explored and love

Carole:  In ‘My French Platter’, you, and your husband Steve, apply for a job as estate managers in France and it certainly was not a smooth ride. What initially motivated you to choose to work overseas, rather than just enjoy an extended holiday?

Annemarie: After one big trip through France and loving everything about it, we both thought it would be a life-changing experience to actually live and work there. The fabulous markets, the countryside and the time taken to share food and be with family was a huge draw.

A field of sunflowers near the first property Annemarie and Steve managed. Read ‘My French Platter’ to find all about it!

Annemarie’s second book ‘My French Platter Replenished’ with more adventures in south-west France

Carole: I am nearly finished reading your second book, ‘My French Platter Replenished.’ It continues your adventure in France. If someone wanted to take follow your idea, to work overseas, would you recommend this idea and what are your 3 best tips for them?

Annemarie: Yes, I would totally recommend this idea. Never shy away from new experiences. Three best tips: Thoroughly research who it is you are going to work for and ask for references from others who’ve worked there. Make sure you have a proper contract and complete job description before you leave your home country. Learn as much of the language as you can, prior to going.

Combe de Merigot near Gaillac. More photos outside and inside below

Tilly and Indie, the dogs of Combe de Merigot that Annemarie and Steve looked after as part of their estate management job

Carole: I love the names of your first two books. Your descriptions of food and recipes, had me salivating. The enjoyment of food is so important in France, would you agree?

When we return from holidaying in France, I am quite disappointed at the lack of variety and quality of fresh produce I can find close to home. In France, no matter how small a village is, you are never far from accessing great food. What was your food experience like in France compared to living in New Zealand or even in London?

Annemarie: Absolutely agree that the enjoyment of food is very important in France. Food is part of the culture and is lovingly prepared by so many, to be shared with family and friends at a leisurely pace; especially on a Sunday, which is almost sacrosanct in families. The French people we met thought nothing of driving an hour and a half to have lunch with their parents and siblings.

French patisserie delights

Our experience of the markets was brilliant in that the variety on offer was fantastic and if there wasn’t a market on in your village or town, there was another within a 20 km radius. During our time working and living there I got to the stage of looking at what seasonal produce was available and planning a menu around that.

Typical French market with amazing fresh, seasonal produce

When we returned from France farmers’ markets were really just starting to get established here in New Zealand and although good, there’s just something about a French market you can’t beat. The cheese stalls for a start! And the price of good cheese was very affordable.

The kitchen of Combe de Merigot where Annemarie worked her magic, preparing delightful food for the owners and their guests. You can find some of Annemarie’s recipe in the link to her website at the end of the post.

Living in London we had a fantastic daily market near us at Kingston-upon-Thames where produce came from all over Europe and locally so we were very spoilt there. Again, it was affordable and the variety excellent.

Gaillac, lower market square

Carole: Do you have a favourite area of France? Please describe what makes this area special to you?

Annemarie: I do have a favourite area of France and that was where we lived – in the Tarn (Southern France). What makes this region special to me is the unspoilt and stunning countryside, the beautiful hilltop bastides/villages and towns, the markets available to us and our French neighbours who welcomed us to their table, sharing beautiful food and wine. This part of France is not as touristy as others and as a consequence, more real. Then there were the people we met who just opened their homes and hearts to us.

Albi, one of the main towns in the Tarn. This is Cathedral St Cecile. Above photo gallery: the villages of Castelnau-de-Montmiral, Puycelsi and Cordes-sur-Ciel.

Below is Albi Cathedral and a hidden garden in Albi.

Carole: How would you describe your French language skills?

Annemarie: My French would best be described as schoolgirl French but I certainly picked up an awful lot more while living there and through the lessons – when I attended and did my homework!

Denise and Ian’s home, Domaine de Mènerque

The cottage where Annemarie and Steve stayed when managing Denise and Ian’s property above.

Carole: I often dream of living somewhere in France, at least part time. During your adventures, did you ever consider purchasing a house or moving overseas permanently?

Annemarie: Oh heavens yes! I would have loved to have bought a place and found the perfect cottage for us. Alas, the owners were not at all interested in selling. It was a lovely dream but really, when we got down to the practicalities and reality of life, it didn’t make great fiscal sense for us unless we did move their permanently but that wasn’t in the plan.

Annemarie’s third book ‘Late Life Adventures in London and Beyond’ released today 6/1/2023. Details below on how you can order your own copy.

Carole: ‘Late Life Adventures in London and Beyond ‘is your latest book project. Can you share what this book is about and when we can expect it to be released?

Annemarie: After France and being back in New Zealand for five years, I decided (at 60) we needed another adventure. In short, we packed up the house again and moved to London at the beginning of March 2018. Late Life Adventures in London and Beyond is about that move, our everyday life of the beautiful area we lived in, the places we went and the people who came into our lives. It is set out in months and at the end of each month there’s a link to 30-plus photos that pertain to that month. What a time we had!

Steve and Annemarie enjoying London

The book will be available to pre-order from 6 December and will download to your Kindle on 6 January 2023. On 6 January, the paperback will be available to be ordered. Here’s the link:

Carole: You are now back in New Zealand. Do you have any other adventures planned?

Annemarie: We’ve already had a couple of months of adventures in June and July 2022and plan to have more, living away for 3-6 months at a time, but we won’t ever move permanently again.

To connect with Annemarie, you can read more on her website and sign up for her newsletter. and watch an interview here.

On her website you will find information on how to purchase her books

Annemarie’s Instagram is

Facebook and

Update today: I received my pre-ordered Kindle copy of ‘Late Life Adventures in London and Beyond’ this morning and I’m exciting to start reading.

For more information on Annemarie’s favourite region of France, here is a link:

Please join me next time for more adventures in France. À bientôt!

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